



的 library is located in the Braniff and Blakley Buildings (see campus map). 的 entrance can be found in the Braniff Foyer. 两座建筑都位于 mall, north of the Tower on campus. 的 two buildings are connected by an indoor walkway.
的 library is open to the public from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. 工作时间视乎 到校历. To see full hours and hours for students, click 在这里.
After registering through 招生 at UD, get your current ID card from Campus Security and bring it to 借阅处 to activate it for library use.
T在这里 is a ladies' room and a men's room on the lower level. 也有男士的 room on the second floor and a ladies' room 在三楼.

浏览 目录 and request the item(s) that you need for your re搜索. 如果你放置的项目 hold is currently checked out, it will be routed to the next patron in line once returned. Hold requests are filled Monday-Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm. 请求是可用的 for pick up the same day, or the next day if placed after 4:00pm. 你会收到通知 via email when your item(s) are ready for pick up. 一旦你收到电子邮件通知 that your item(s) are available for pick up, you can visit the circulation desk, w在这里 您将检查您的舱位。.

Holds will be removed from the shelf after 10 days. 

Our books are shelved according to the 图书馆 of Congress Subject Headings. Letters A and B are located on the lower level, C-N on the second floor, and P-Z 在三楼. 的 Reference section is located on the main floor.

Print materials reserved by professors for the use of their students are located behind 借阅处.  Inquire at Circulation Desk stating that you need material reserved under the professor's name and give the title of the book or the subject 材料的. 其他储备材料有 在线.
Books and articles that are not available in this library may be obtained by using the Cowan-Blakley Memorial 图书馆's 馆际互借 服务, Tipasa, as a current student, faculty, staff member, adjunct, or 退休人员.  You will need to know your UD network username and password to utilize the Tipasa 服务. If materials are needed immediately, the reference librarian can assist you in identifying other local libraries that have the relevant book or journal.  另一个 option is to go to the database WorldCat to see if a local library has the publication.  的 TexShare Card Program may be helpful when materials are needed from other libraries. Please refer to the two following 常见问题 for more detailed information on Tipasa and TexShare卡程序. Undergraduates can also open a College Card with the Irving 公共图书馆.
你可以通过网络借书 馆际互借 through the Tipasa system as a current student, faculty, staff member, adjunct, or 退休人员. You will need to know your UD network username and password to utilize this 服务.
的 TexShare Card Program allows registered users of participating TexShare libraries to have direct 访问 to library materials not available at their local library. 的 Cowan-Blakley Memorial 图书馆 is a member of TexShare and provides TexShare cards to graduate students and faculty members. Undergraduates and others wishing to obtain a TexShare card should contact the library in Texas w在这里 they are registered card 持有人. 

Subscribed databases, e-books, and e-journals require a University Network Account for use in the university's computer centers, for remote 访问, or for off-campus 访问.

Questions regarding student accounts should be directed to the IT Department. 地点: 戈尔曼G -电子邮件:support@nr-sh100.com 

T在这里 are seven computers located near the Reference Help Desk, on the first floor 图书馆馆长. 

T在这里 are 20 computers available in the Blakley Re搜索 and Information Center (BRIC).  的se computers are limited to current students, faculty, and staff of the University 达拉斯.  A network account is required for 访问ing the computers in the BRIC.

All of the computers located near the Reference Help Desk on the first floor of the 图书馆 are connected to a printer at 借阅处. 印刷本为10份 cents per page (no cards), and payable at 借阅处.  打印时 the Blakley Re搜索 and Information Center (BRIC) make sure the printer selection 请问在前台有什么安排.

的 library does not provide writing support; however, find information for the Writing Lab as well as citation and style guides 在这里.

的 University Archive Office, headed by Susannah Bingham-Buck, is located separately from the Cowan-Blakley Memorial 图书馆, in an office in the back of the Blakley Building, 正对着哈格蒂艺术村.